Monday, 15 July 2013

Motel Rocks! Literally!

Motel originally created on an American road trip where designers where inspired by Californian thrift shops and second hand stores. Motel brings vintage fun fashion to the European fashion world, creating stylish looks for the fashion forward woman. With fantastic prices, and unique pieces Motel allows you to step outside the box in style. From brazen prints to structured dresses, candy stripes trousers to after dark sequin dresses, Motel is your go to for that head turning look.  Here are my favourite pieces! What is yours?

1-Palm leaf sleeveless shirt // Plunge back sequin dress // 3-white and mind striped jeans
4- skinny crop jeans // 5- Bodycon black and white check dress 6- Tiger print parma dress


  1. My choice is jeans! Beautiful dear! :-)

  2. Chanced upon your blog and enjoy reading it!~
    love the 3rd and the 5th one! <3

  3. Acabo de conocer tu blog!! Tiene mucha personalidad y estilo.
    I FOLLOW YOU IN GFC!!! Y me encantaria que tu tambien me siguieses.
    Muuuaaks :D

  4. They are an amazing store x


I look forward to reading your comments, they are greatly appreciated

Love Cat